My Skinny Story

Thank you for visiting my Skinny Wrapping Blog!  My name is Tanya, and this is my skinny story....

For many years I have enjoyed good health and a fit and healthy lifestyle.  With a background in healthcare and fitness, I am an avid gym goer and runner.  As the mother of four children I have even been able to bounce back to my pre-pregnancy weight realatively quickly after each pregnancy simply through diet and exercise… That is, until recently… 

Between numerous moves across country and over seas (and the really bad eating that comes along with that), my workouts became non-existent while competing with the kids schedules together with a sluggish thyroid and all those lovely changes that come with aging – UGH - my weight had creeped up a whopping 30 pounds over the last couple of years!  Along with that  came the dreaded squishy tummy fat complete with a full muffin top – Ewwwww!  Am I painting you a nice picture?  Good - because I want you to be prepared to see my  incredible results with the It Works wraps!

With a recent renewed and almost desperate dedication back at the gym, and despite burning 400 or more calories 3-5 days a week while extreme low carbing, my weight plateau persisted, insisted and was driving me CRAZY.  I couldn't figure it out - I was in weight gain purgatory!  MY BODY HAD BETRAYED ME... and for the first time in my life, I didn't know how to fix it.

Just as I was feeling defeated by my weight gain and subsequent plateau I came across the It Works Wraps. With my background in healthcare and previous fitness education, I was extremely skeptical at first however, after researching the product extensively, what I found blew me away.  Combing through picture after picture, and testimony after testimony of real people and their amazing results - tummies toned, tight and firm (arms, legs faces and necks too) I was hooked.  I was still a little skeptical, but I HAD TO TRY THEM.  The question of what if it really works would nag me forever if I didn't… I took a leap of faith and ordered the It Works body wraps and THESE are MY AMAZING results! - And only after TWO wraps!

MY SKINNY WRAP RESULTS - After only TWO wraps!

Remember - a FULL treatment is FOUR wraps for any part of the body - some people see results in as little as 45 minutes and others (LIKE ME) see more progressive results over a period of days and a series of wraps... that's just the way it is.  My goal - to be in a bikini in less than a month - something I haven't worn in over FIVE years! 

I am horrified to post my before pictures however the pictures speak for themselves - I, once again have my waist line back, but more importantly, I have my CONFIDENCE back!  It was exactly what I needed to get out of my rut - Now, I am back at the gym running two miles (on my way back to my normal 3-5), doing my squats and dead lifts... I feel GREAT, and couldn't be happier with my results!  

With complete confidence in the product, I became an ItWorks!  Independent Distributor!  I want others to share in the same successes and results as I did with the ItWorks wraps as well as introduce them to the ItWorks family of healthy, QUALITY products.  As an It Works! Distributor, I help people every day simply by telling them about these wonderful - LIFE CHANGING products. 

If you are interested in knowing more about the It Works wraps or Product line – please contact me at, phone: 307-840-9235 or if you are ready to invest in yourself today - click below to order now.

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